Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How To make short films and promote them

Short film making is one of the art nowadays, And its a growing hobby among youngsters who are interested in film making and entering into main stream cinema. Short film making is like the learning period to learn all the process of film making. SO if you are interested in knowing about how a cinema is made then you can try making a short film.So now lets get into the topic of How to make short film read all the points till end to get a good understandings of making the short film.

How To make short film without any budget

The first step to make a short film is you should be having a story line or a message that you want to convey thorough your short film. And that message is one of the most important factor to get success in your short film. Even if other things are not up to the mark story alone can win people's heart. So first decide it

Secondly think of a story that can express your message in just 10-15 minutes and story can be saying the message directly or indirectly but people watching should all understand about the message you are trying to convey through your short film. So be clear about it. 

Thirdly the most important thing is to select a set of friends or someone you know who can act and be the character you want in the film. And in this step you need to be more careful not to select people who are not really serious about acting these kind of people may ruin the mood of your film and may not actually fit into the roles given to them.

Next important part of short film making is editing of the film and addition of music to the movie. Now its time to cut out the unwanted scenes and those things which are not suiting for the movie, And add some effects like slow motion etc. In the places needed and add some BGM which you can get for free from youtube audio library , And add them to make movie more special and watchable.

How to promote your short film

Marketing is one of the most important thing which you need to do to your short film to reach it to more people. This can be done for free as well as by spending some bucks, And always spending some money would work out faster for sure. when coming to the strategies of promotion for free, For this to happen the message you are conveying should be strong and the movie should be having some high quality work.

Free Methods To Promote Your Short film

Now first let us teach you the strategies which we use to promote our movie for free. The strategy is first of all tell all the people involved in the film to share the movie in all of their social media profiles of Facebook, Twitter etc. And tell their friends to share them on their profiles too. And if your movie has something interesting then maximum people who watch it will share it with their friends through social media.

Next Best promotional strategy is share in the groups of Facebook which is related to the Message you have shared in your short film. And also share them on some of the short film related groups to get some audience.

Nextly you can comment on the famous Facebook pages posts and please note that do not spam all the posts etc. As facebook will treat it as spam and will take action against you. Do it in only 2-3 posts and if the admin likes your short film he may also share it on page which will just boost your quality views.

Paid Methods To Promote Your Short film

Now lets talk about the best paid methods to promote your short film to reach out to lots and lots of viewers. The first method is to pay some good famous Facebook pages to share them in their pages.

Secondly you can share the video in your facebook page and can promote it via facebook ads and this is one of the most effective way. 

And next best way is to get attention of bloggers you are running some blogs regarding your message you have pay them some little money and they will write and share about your short film in their blogs which will surely get you tons of views.

By youtube ads you can place your video in the top of related videos section of any of the video which is performing good and has the same message as your movie. This will get you really a very huge traffic to your video without much spending of money. 

Final Words

So friends, This was all about the short film making and promoting it in the right way to get your videos reach maximum people and make your videos viral in social media. Follow this methods ad the success for you will follow you. Keep visiting our blog to get more information about short films and other entertainment thing. Ask any doubts which you have in your mind in the comments section below, We will try to answer you ASAP.


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